Lies About Link Building


The construction of quality links is undoubtedly a fundamental aspect and a first step to start an SEO strategy. However, and being an aspect that is continually changing has been involved in endless confusion that, in this article, we seek to clarify.

What Is It And What Is The Purpose Of The Link Building

The link building is a critical piece in SEO tactics, and it intends to stimulate the navigation of users from one site to another to ensure that they end their visit to a site with higher authority, which, for example, could be your website or that of a customer. If successful, this could improve its positioning and ranking in the search results.

Lies About The Creation Of Links

Being a subject in constant evolution has always been involved in doubts and confusion on the part of digital marketing teams. The reason why over the years, it has also been filled with false beliefs that we then seek to deny so that you can build quality links for your brand without fear and with excellent results. This SEO Sydney agency explains in details:

Only Quality Content Is Needed

While it is essential to offer valuable content and resources, it is also necessary to build those paths that will take users to the website of your interest; Own, business, or customer.

No Links Are Needed To Have A Good Ranking

The correct answer is that links are required to have and maintain a good ranking. So, it is essential to create relevant and authoritative links that allow the site in question to rank in the Google algorithm.

Only Links With Authority Matter

Because Google is looking for diversity, you mustn’t focus all your efforts solely on target sites with high metrics. Sometimes you can find quality sites that have low authority simply because they are new.

Links Should Point Only To Conversion Pages

A false belief is that to succeed, and all links must point to those sections that they seek to convert; Whether a user becomes a potential customer or a potential customer makes a purchase. In reality, this can be counterproductive and perceived as spam, so it is not entirely advisable to put it into practice.