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What is Interactive Video Marketing?

Giving an interactive experience within marketing has become quite the hot topic. Long gone are the days where we can sell something with a picture or even a video. Now, consumers want a custom and interactive experience before buying something. That leads to an important question many business owners are asking, “What is interactive marketing?”

Interactive Marketing

In short, this means creating a marketing strategy that allows the target audience to interact with either the product or the advertisement itself. Within this topic, a surge has been seen in interactive video marketing specifically. 

For example, you might recall recent YouTube news that Markiplier released an interactive show. While extreme, this is just one example of how videos and within that video marketing are changing. 

Does Interactivity Make the User Experience Better?

Yes! When using interactive video, 70% of marketers say their audience is engaged “well” or “very well!” On top of this, 68% of marketers think that it will continue to become a more important topic within the modern marketing mix. However, that leads to the question, “What makes an interactive video marketing campaign so effective?”

How is an Interactive Experience Created?

When you create a liner video, you create something that someone can watch and then leave. However, interactive video makers allow for more options than simply viewing. Interactive video marketing software gives the viewer the ability to click, drag, scroll, watch, hover, and integrate themselves into the video. Several functions are common to interactive video marketing tools.

These and many other tools within the video marketing strategy create a better-engaged audience that is having more fun and learning more about the product from one space.  

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Why Use Interactive Content within Marketing? 

If you’ve learned one thing in this post, we hope it’s that interactive video content is quickly becoming a widely used marketing tool. Whether social videos or professional videos made for marketing, creating interaction from the target audience to the business is vital going forward. Compared to traditional videos, interactive video marketing has a 44% longer watch rate!

However, it’s not just popularity that should keep video marketing at the top of your mind. Its ability to engage users also ensures that this type of content is better at converting, engaging, and staying within the memory of the user. 

As a marketer or business owner, take a look at how interactive video marketing can help your business. Whether you’re using animation videos, text/word videos, or live-action videos, there are interactive video editors out there that can do just what you need. 

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