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The Delightful Eight of Robotics Applications

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of science and engineering that involves electronic and mechanical engineering, information engineering, and computer science. If a job is too dirty or too dangerous for human robot is here to lend its helping metallic hand.

There are several application areas of robotics available out there. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of these applications and learn the basics about them.

As shocking as it may sound, humans have been messing with robotics for over a hundred years now. On the contrary, human perception over robotics is highly influenced by movies and media. If you’re wondering what it’s actually about, we’d say the distinctiveness of a robot transforms based on where it operates in.

Robotics Applications

Robots currently perform several different jobs in various fields. The number of tasks assigned to robots is significantly rising. Let’s check out some of the most common robotics applications.

#1. Industrial Robots

Industrial robots set an industrialized building and manufacturing atmosphere in motion. These are often articulated arms (or robotic manipulators) built specifically for applications, such as material handling, welding, painting, etc. The robotic arms consist of 3-7 joints so their structure remains the structure of human arm and hand. If you want to know more about robotic joints, follow the link.

#2. Domestic/Household Robots

These robots are typically used indoors. Some commonly used domestic robot types include:

Also, many telepresence and scrutiny robots can be considered as household robots if introduced in that particular environment.

#3. Service Robots

Service robots cannot be classified into any other type by practice. They can be a variety of data/research conducting robots, robots served to exhibit technologies, etc.

#4. Medical Robots

These are essentially robots utilized in hospitals and other medicinal institutes. A good example would be surgical treatment robots. These robots allow doctors to perform a plethora of complex procedures with more precision, control, and flexibility compared to using conventional techniques.

#5. Military Robots

Employed in the military and armed forces, military robots include bomb discarding robotics, numerous shipping robots, and exploration drones. These robots can often be used in exploration, law enforcement, salvaging, and other related fields.

#6. Space Robots

Robots have always had a vital role in outer space exploration. The most influential robots employed in outer space applications were NASA’s very own Mars rovers.

The mission “Pathfinder” docked on Mars in 1997. Sojourner, mission Pathfinder’s robotic rover, was able to plan and navigate routes to analyze the planet’s surface. Its capability to operate with limited data regarding its surroundings and environment allowed Sojourner to react to unexpected objects and events.

Today, a remote manipulator system (RMS) like Kibo is crucial in space exploration. RMS has performed numerous functions on NASA space missions via acting as an anchoring and positioning device, remote assembly device and grappler.

#7. Entertainment Robots

This is a very wide-ranging category. From model robots like Robosapien to articulated robotic arms used as movement simulators, entertainment robots are getting more advanced by the day.

Sophia is another social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. Sophia’s AI program can analyze conversations and extract data, enabling her to enhance future responses. The company designed Sophia to be a fitting companion at nursing homes or to help people at large events.

#8. Hobby/Competition Robots

These are robots created by students, including Line follower, Robot-sumo – robots build merely for fun and learning, robots developed for contests, etc.

Wrapping Up

Robotics has the potential to transform our lives and work practices, raise safety and efficiency levels and provide enhanced services. Hopefully, it will be used to make our living more expedient, not the other way around.

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